This magnificent Vermentino, one of the masterpieces of Piero Mancini, was created to celebrate the charm of Gallura. It is a wine of elegant personality, fine and harmonious, and the taste is very balanced, with a good structure.
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Cantina delle Vigne di Piero Mancini
Cantina delle Vigne di Piero Mancini

Despite already having a successful profession as a dentist, Piero Mancini never abandoned the family tradition and his own real passion for vine growing and wine-making.It all started in the 1960’s when he planted his first vines. Within a short period of time he found himself refining and adding to his expertise, whilst managing various important vineyards. As his passion for wine-making grew, so did the number of selected vines he was able to cultivate. It was clear to him that the all important trio of climate-terrain-vine was the basis of creating grapes of the highest quality, which, at the same time, could encompass the characteristics and the uniqueness of the place of origin. Piero Mancini’s determination paid off, since at the end of the 1970’s the Piero Mancini Vineyard covered a total of 70 hectares in one of the most renowned areas in Sardinia: the Gallura Region. It was in 1989, when Piero Mancini realised his dream and inaugurated his own vineyard: Cantina delle Vigne, facing the gulf of Olbia. This meant that the company had become vertical, from grape production, followed directly by the vinification, to the final bottling process. Success was immediate. Piero Mancini’s business sense and his experience soon lead him to specialise in fine, high quality wines, which obtained the well-deserved success and earned their position amongst the top wines in the Sardinian market. Today, it is his wife, Marisa, and his three children, Laura, Antonio and Alessandro, who look after the company, each having a separate, defined role: Alessandro looks after the commercial and agronomy side, Antonio is the technician and administration manager, while Marisa and Laura lare responsible for communication and Public Relations. Everyone at Mancini has inherited Piero’s passion for wine-making, and indeed, it is the family tradition and determination, that helps the company to grow and continue to improve the quality and quantity of the wines they produce.
Mancini Primo
Oro e Anima - The golden soul of real Gallura, the mirror of its treasures, new horizons of refined taste. Mancini Primo, so the family has called this magnificent Vermentino di Gallura DOCG, dedicated to high level restaurant, because its quality is such as to place it at the top of the production of the Cantina delle Vigne di Piero Mancini.
Vermentino di Gallura DOCG Spumante Brut
"Sparkling wine obtained from the grapes representing the highest expression of the viticulture of the Gallura.
Elegant and fresh, this ""Vermentino DOCG"" like silk caresses the palate and is the perfect complement to fine cuisine based on fish.

07026   Olbia   (OT)  
Vertourmer 2.0
Vertourmer 2.0
The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.
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