From our vineyard Bignei, by the skilled hands of the magical Luciano, from the few golden bunches, in the elegance of a bottle and a livery that thrills him, was born our flagship. Fifteen tons of excellence for the lucky few and provident amateurs.
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I Castelli soc coop agricola
I Castelli soc coop agricola

The cooperative "I Castelli" which includes about 65 members was founded in 1998 through the initiative of a few local wine producers supported by the municipal administration of Bolano. The cooperative produces the DOC "Colli di Luni" Vermentino wine and the Red and IGT Golfo dei Poeti. To its merit the “I Castelli” cooperative was instrumental in stimulating the agricultural rehabilitation of large plots of land and of revitalizing a century old production tradition in the territory of Bolano. The favourable geographic position, the mild climate and the excellent location have impact, since ancient times developed in Bolano, a true vocation for vine growing. The seat of the Cooperative is located in the historic centre of Bolano, in the old cellars of Castello Malaspiniano.
Vermentino I Castelli
Vermentino appreciated the sincerity, freshness and not excessive commitment that requires the consumer, great even in hot summer days as a beverage.

19020   Bolano   (SP)  
Vertourmer 2.0
Vertourmer 2.0
The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.
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