Area of origin: Palmentello Campiglia Marittima
Training system: Spurred cordon
Age of vineyards: 10 year old
Vineyard: density 4500 plants/ha - Productivness 60 hl/ha
Harvest: manual in perforated cases of 18 Kg
Fermentation tanks : barriques
Length of fermentation : 10-12 days
Temperature of fermentation: 4/6 degrees
Malolactic fermentation : None
Ageing: inox steel
Bottle ageing: 1 month
Serving temperature: 10-12 °C
Oenologist: Zannoni Stella - Zuddas Laura
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Cantina Giomi Zannoni di Giomi Daniela
Cantina Giomi Zannoni di Giomi Daniela

Over the years the Zannoni family has specialized in two sectors: viticulture and olive growing. In the 80s the management of the company was handed down to Aldo and his son Roberto. In the past the company’s winery was located in the eighteenth – century Palazzo Maruzzi, in 2000 the modern winery was built. On the land, the oldest vineyards such as the Sangiovese although restructured have been maintained, while the Trebbiano has been replaced with Vermentino and new planting patterns of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon have been made.Over the years the management of the company has been handed down from father to son, Roberto and his wife Daniela have handed down their passion for viticulture to their children, who have undertaken agricultural studies.

57029   Campiglia Marittima   (LI)  
Vertourmer 2.0
Vertourmer 2.0
The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.
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