The harvest that took place in 2012 has been characterized by good ageing conditions due to a fresh not too dry summer. After the completely-manual harvest followed by a soft destemming which took place around mid-September, the Vermentino undertakes a light pressing and it is prepared for the fermentation in inox steel containers at a controlled temperature, after the inoculation of selected yeasts. The ageing takes place in inox steel containers until February and it is bottled between March and May.
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Azienda Agricola Mola
Azienda Agricola Mola

The Mola Farm is situated on the plains and on the hills of Mola, in the locality of Isola d’Elba between Porto Azzurro and Capoliveri. These raison wines, amongst them Moscato and Aleatico have always been treated with great care. Since 1956 the company has been owned by the Pavoletti family, who since 1994, have started to renovate their vineyards in order to produce quality wines with native characteristic of the vineyard on the Island of Elba. Particular attention is paid to the aleatico, ansonica and fermentino vines, vines that are particularly suited to the production of unique, top quality wines. The particular variety of soil in the 32 hectares of land belonging to the family has allowed for the use of traditional vines in the 10 hectares of company vineyard, ranging from Sangiovese and Aleatico for the production of red wines, and Ansonica, Vermentino and Malvasia for the production of white wines.

Porto Azzurro   (LI)  
Vertourmer 2.0
Vertourmer 2.0
The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.
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