A Greyish Rosè, 100% Sciacarellu, an uniqe blend of Corsica, recommended by its denomination, the wine is amongst the most valuable wines of the Island. Typical wines with a great fineness and spicy notes. The grapes are harevested at night in order to maintain their freshness. TENDENZE CASANOVA has a unique way of sealing the bottles: a glass top, “Vino Lok” that combines an elegant appearance with advanced technology, ensuring a perfect preservation of the wine.
alcohol content :12,5°
Médaglia d’Or Concorso Général Agricole 2010. 2011
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Vignerons D'Aghione
Vignerons D'Aghione
A group of an about 15 producers, situated on the coast of eastern Corsica, in the area of Aghione. The vineyards that surround the heart of the company cover an area of 850 hectares. The vineyards are nourished form a calcareous-clay soil, mixed with a limy-clay land of red sand and gravel. The vineyards are protected by the mountains and they are exposed to wonderful sunlight, they enjoy a mild climate, due to their close proximity to the sea. This company allows the emblematic and traditional blend of Corsican grapes to express itself completely through its original characteristics. The vine growers of Aghione are specialized in the production of unbottled quality wines. With their specialized technological know-how of the different blends, they develop original, new products, suitable for the ever-evolving markets. The research is aimed at obtaining the production of elegant wines, faithful to the culture of the Island.Each blend of grapes is vinificated separately (or else they can be mixed if requested). The know-how, together with the modern wine making equipment allows for the production of balanced wines, in its tannin content, acidity/ sugar, dye density and, finally, in its particular aromatic feature.
AOP Vin de Corse Tendance Casanova
20270   Aghione   (B2A)  
Vertourmer 2.0
Vertourmer 2.0
The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.
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