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Società Agricola Tenuta Poggio al Tesoro S.r.l.

Società Agricola Tenuta Poggio al Tesoro S.r.l.

Poggio al Tesoro is the result of a partnership between Allegrini, the leading company in Valpolicella (VR), and Leonardo Lo Cascio, well- known entrepreneur in the distribution of quality Italian wines in the United States. Together Allegrini and Lo Cascio, chose Bolgheri, in the belief that great wines with structure and soul that can excite a cosmopolitan audience can be grown on good land. Detailed research was done travelling through the best wine–making lands of Tuscany; in 2001 the first plot of land was bought in the area of Bolghieri. In just a few years, and after a lot of hard work, Poggio al Tesoro came to life. Nowadays the company has about 70 hectares of land, spread over 4 plots of land, between Bolghieri and the nearby municipality of Bibbona. Thanks to the different types of soils and the different varieties of vines, Poggio al Tesoro is able to offer wines that have a strong identity. Wines that express not only strength and complexity, but also elegance and depth.

Petit Verdot
Cabernet sauvignon
Cabernet Franc


The name of the wine is Solosole because the wine is essentially the result of the processes that occurs in the vineyard and their maturation in the sun: no other vines are included in the blend, and no wood maturing process is made in order not to interfere with the monovarietal Vermentino scents.  
The grapes, harvested manually in the ideal maturation stage, are preserved during the night at 7 °C and they are crushed the day after in order to preserve their freshness and monovarietal aspects  and to maintain the fruity aroma, typical of the variety.   

Via Bolgherese, 189/b
57022   Castagneto Carducci   (LI)  
0565 765245
Vineyard area (ha): 
Volume of wine produced (hl): 
Wine bottles/year: 
Tot 240.000 Vermentino 60.000

Vertourmer 2.0

Vertourmer 2.0

The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.


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