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Podere Giovanni

Podere Giovanni

The renovated farmhouse is situated at the heart of the property, which has 7 hectares of land, and it reflects the architecture of the typical rural houses of Tuscany.The company, certified by the Region with the highest recognition for a holiday farm in Tuscany, represented by the symbol of 3 ears of corn, has 4 apartments for guests.The Estate Giovanni produces certified quality wines. The entire company is part of the DOC area of Bolgheri. Moreover the company pays special attention to its olive groves with only native varieties of Moraiolo, Frantoio and Pendolino. The olive trees are cultivated with techniques that limit the environmental impact (supervised control) and the extra virgin olive oil has been an IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) certified product for years.

Cabernet sauvignon

Rugiada Marina

Area of production Castagneto Carducci (LI)
Altitude between 50 and 100 metres
Area  1.100 mq
Soil: medium textures, almost sandy  
Training system : spurred cordon
Vine density 5.000 plants per hectare
Yield per hectare 10.000 Kg
Harvest period the last 10 days of September
Productivness grapes of wine 70%
Manual Harvest
Vinification: the grapes are destemmed, pressed. 70% of the must is left to ferment in steel vats and 20% in acacia barriques.

Via Bolgherese, 182 Fonte di Foiano
57022 Castagneto Carducci  
333 2014582
Vineyard area (ha): 
Volume of wine produced (hl): 
Wine bottles/year: 
11.000 Tot 2.500 Vermentino

Vertourmer 2.0

Vertourmer 2.0

The second edition del progetto di cooperazione territoriale transfrontaliera Ver.Tour.Mer, finanziato dal P.O. Italia -Francia Marittimo 2007-2013 della Comunita Europea, si caratterizza per la forte componente di innovazione tecnologica, volta ad allargare lórizzonte del marketing territoriale attraverso lútilizzo di tecnologie informatiche innovative che valorizzino la produzione delle eccellenze dei territori, non solo vitivinicole ma anche eno-gastronomiche.


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